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The Justice sector of Rwanda has launched a new report dubbed Backward looking joint sector review’ that reminds all stakeholders in the sector to deliver effective services related to justice, crime prevention and legal aid.

The Backward Looking Joint Sector Review Report of justice sector is one of the reports done by the justice sector with the role of every entity apart from the Ministry of Justice and Police. It looks on Human Right sector, legal activists, Unity and Reconciliation body among others.

The report was launched  in Kigali on Friday October 18, 2019 during a meeting that gathered different partner organizations.

Various Civil Society organizations, development partners during the review of the report/Courtesy photo

The justice sector works with 17 government bodies, around 60 civil society organizations that are increasing, professional court bailiffs, lawyers, Kigali international arbitration center (KIAC) and other partners.

Elaborating more about the report, Anastase Nabahire, the coordinator of the Justice, Reconciliation, Law and Order Sector Strategy (JRLOS) in the Ministry of Justice (MINIJUST) said that the Backward Looking Joint Sector Review Report is done once a year and it follows the Forward Looking Report.

He said that the Backward Looking Joint Sector Review Report aims at assessing the implementation of 2018/2019 fiscal year in justice sector in order to take proper decisions accordingly.

Nabahire further said that this report is a very significant exercise to foster research in making the sector very helpful by finding important information that will help policy makers.

“It is also a good strategy to look on which research we need to advance our activities, it also gives us a way to assess where we are in 2019/2020; and set key activities to work on in the next fiscal year 2020/2021. So, this is a very significant exercise that shows us where we have come from, our achievements, our weaknesses, existing problems that need joint efforts for a solution, and so on,” Nabahire said.

One of the elements that the report revealed is that the number of people who report the crimes has risen comparing to the last years, which is helpful to the sector according to Nabahire.

Involved Partners in the justice sector who participated in the review of the report posing for a group photo after the meeting/Courtesy Photo.

The report was done in partnership with government entities in justice sector, various Civil Society organizations, development partners, professional court bailiffs and lawyers among others.

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