On 25th April 2022, Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion joined the National Celebration of World Malaria Day under the theme “Zero Malaria Starts with Me” in Gisagara District, Southern Province in partnership with The World Health Organization, The Global Fund, USAID, The Ministry of Heath, Rwanda Biomedical Center and Civil Society Organizations intervening in Malaria Prevention programs in Rwanda.
The World Malaria Day is an International observance commemorated every year on 25th April to recognize Global Efforts to control Malaria, provide “Education and understanding of Malaria” and spread information on year long- intensified implementation of malaria control strategies including community based activities on malaria prevention and treatment in endemic areas.
Rwanda has a strong vision of being a free malaria country as way of contributing to the well-being of Rwandan Population; to achieve this lot of efforts has been put in place to avail appropriate Prevention Tools, control interventions and quality healthcare services. Among those interventions include:
- Long lasting insecticidal bed nets deployed across the country based on mosquito resistance evidence.
- Different Awareness Campaign on Malaria prevention and Treatment
- Provision of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria
- Indoor and Outdoor Residual Spraying
- 60% of malaria cases in the country are managed at community level by Community Health Workers
Rwanda has achieved many milestones as Malaria incidence have dropped from 400 per 1000 in 2016 to 148 per 1000 in 2020 and Indoor Residual Spraying has been extended to 15 high malaria burden districts where 70% of Malaria come from and By June 2022, drone-based larvicide spraying will be scaled up to six more districts in addition to the City of Kigali for mosquito larval abatement in swamps and wetlands.

During the Celebration, Different partners are showcasing their interventions and products and services they provide in the fight to end malaria such as LLINs (mosquito nets), insecticides, anti-mosquito lotions (baygon coils and off tube) and innovative community awareness and mobilization using drones from development partners like Society for Family Heath (SFH), AgroPy Ltd, Kibirizi Hospital and Charis UAS.

Larvacide preparation and drone spraying demonstration was also done as the day was established to increase awareness on malaria and spread information on the implementation of national-control strategies including community-based activities.

During his Remarks, The Director General of Rwanda Biomedical Center acknowledged stakeholders for their support to the fight to End Malaria, and pledged Rwanda’s increased commitment to making the vision of a malaria-free future a reality.
In addition to community members, The event was also attended by many dignitaries representing Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, UN agencies , security Organs and students associations among others.